Lavelle Organization

Lavelle Organization

The Lavelle Organization appears to be a phony company set up by Lavelle Ward. This is the “company” under which Lavelle attempts to gain business. Under investigation it  definitely isn’t a registered LLC business name in Illinois. Don’t believe us? Search for yourself on this government site of LLC’s in the state of IL.

You see The Lavelle Organization LLC in there? We sure don’t.

Many people have learned of The Lavelle Organization under the guise that this is how a young and resourceful entrepreneur does busniness. Those people, from our experience, learn soon enough that the man behind this is only out to make  a name for himself and to rip off clients.

According to LaVelle Ward, the Lavelle Organization is

” privately owned and headquartered in Chicago. The company is engaged in all aspects of office and residential investment, development, financing, leasing, construction, and management. The company’s mission is to be the leading developer, owner and manager of residential and commercial real estate in North America through the creation of a high quality portfolio of premier properties.” — source

You might note that this is written by LaVelle himself and while we actually think he *wants* this as a reality, it is in fact not True.   From our research we have not found one person who has had personal dealings with this man who has not been lied to. Not one.

Lavelle OrganizationLaVelle Ward does not have a real estate license.

The LaVelle Organization may exist in his own mind as a valid LLC but no one, and we mean no one, is willing to vouch for him as a business person. Why? It might have to do with the dozens of people who have been hurt by him. At the very least if you are in a potential business relationship with the Lavelle Org then you should get your money up front.

Posted in Lavelle Ward | 6 Comments

6 Responses to Lavelle Organization

  1. Jan G. says:

    I’ve entered into a business agreement with LaVelle Ward but after reading this site I’m afraid I’m about to be ripped off. I’ve looked into him online but it seems that everything that’s out there has been created by him and it all supports what you say. I’m worried I’ve made a bad decision and I don’t want the company that I work for to fall prey to someone bad. Can you help?

    • Lucy Bergstrom says:

      You are absolutely about to be ripped off, Jan! Everything you know about Lavelle Ward was generated by him, created by him and as you can see, he has worked very hard to make a big (albeit, fake) name for himself. He is truly a despicable man and you must use extreme caution now that you have gotten this far with him! Cut all the ties you have with him and the business agreement you have entered into with him should be terminated immediately. You owe him nothing, and if you are worried that he may try to take you to court for something or come after your business somehow for terminating the business agreement, don’t worry. Because a better way to say this eludes me at the moment, I just want to say that he doesn’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of lol! He doesn’t want to risk being exposed. I hope this has helped you and I hope that you are able to escape this man’s clutches before it’s too late!

  2. Jan Jones says:

    Think about it like this – If there’s a question about the ethics/true business validity of him, why work with him? Do any of your other business dealings pose this many questions? no…..that should give you pause enough!

  3. Natalie Minh says:

    I have talked to him online for some time last year and he is a complete liar, led me and a friend on a whirlwind of lies. I can give you more details, contact me.

    PS. He wrote this article about me (on his blog):

  4. […] you are approached by Lavelle Ward or his phony Lavelle Ward Organization, con-man and scam artist, please don’t fall prey to his schemes. No matter how small you […]

  5. Lucy Bergstrom says:

    Hasn’t this jerk-off been caught yet? How many people will he have to screw over before someone steps up to the plate and takes his ass down?? He is nothing but a nightmare for so many people, and he is a complete waste of skin. I CAN TAKE YOU RIGHT TO HIM!! I know where he’s at, and so does the FBI so why is there not more people speaking up and working harder to put him behind bars?? Don’t be afraid of him, he has no way of hurting ANYONE! He’s broke, and he barely has a place to live. What could he possibly do??

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